Abraham & Annemarie Markusse
We hope that people will dare to let go of their sense of security and trust God with their lives.

Bram and Anne-Marie Markusse began ministry in 1970 and have served in Le Puy-en-Velay (12 years), Aix-en-Provence (3 years), Aubagne-en-Provence (12 years), Romainville (6 years) and La Bastide sur l'Hers (8 years).
Since 2003 they have lived in La Bastide sur l'Hers in the French Pyrenees where they were leading and developing a church. In the end of 2011 Bram and Anne-Marie have moved to Toulon sur l'Hers. Also here they will, despite their retirement, be actively involved in a local church.