Rachel Fuchs (née Gibbs)

In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. - 1 Pet 1:3b-4a

When the Reformation happened in the 16th century, more than three quarters of all Austrians turned to Christ. However, the brutal counter-reformation 30 years later meant all protestant believers were heavily persecuted and these numbers dwindled. Today, just 0.5% of the Austrian population are evangelical Christians. The evangelical church is small, there is huge need in Austria and students are the future leaders of the Austrian churches and society. This is why I am doing uni student ministry in partnership with ÖSM, the IFES Austrian student movement in Graz, south-eastern Austria.

Cross Cultural Worker in Austria
País de origem

With ECM since 2022

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