Rosaliene Donaldson

‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame… so that my house will be full.’ Luke 14: 21 -23

Living with disability often results in a significant decrease in quality of life due to poor health, high medical costs, limited independence, social marginalisation and poverty.

 According to the Lausanne Movement over 90% of the disabled do not hear the Gospel. It is clear from the Bible that it is God’s desire that all people are part of God’s kingdom including those with a disability.   

Rosaliene recently joined ECM to establish a network and provide support to ECM workers across Europe in their church planting and community outreach to enable full inclusion of those living with different types of disabilities.

Rosaliene has worked with disabled people in various settings including in Albania, Zimabwe and Mauritius. She is married to Geoff, and they are based in Northern Ireland. They have 3 adult children.

Coordinator of Disability Ministries Network
País de origem

June 2022

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