Andrej & Lydia Zelenjak


From the day I accepted Christ, I wanted to share Him with other people, so they might see the beauty of salvation.

Andrej and Lydia, and their son, live in the western Alps, in Slovenia. They were married in 2011, and their son Elija was born two years later. They entered into fulltime ministry a few months after their wedding. They have a strong desire to pioneer more churches in Slovenia as well as internationally. They are flexible to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and there is nothing more important to them as to follow the Lord full-heartedly.

Andrej invited the Lord into his life through a family member in Canada in 2003. His life turned around drastically and from that moment on he wanted to dedicate his life to spreading the wonderful news of Jesus Christ in his home country and around the world as the Lord leads him. In 2009 he finished Bachelor of Theology at the Master’s College and Seminary in Toronto, Canada. Lydia comes from a strong Christian family that has followed the Lord for generations. She graduated with a degree in Bible education in Serbia.

Andrej: "Since 2013, when Lydia and I stepped into fulltime ministry, we have been through the most difficult and the most beautiful times in our lives. We thought it would be easier to work as pioneer workers in Slovenia, but we have discovered that it is extremely hard work. Nevertheless, these past years were also the most beautiful in our lives; through the difficulties we were facing, we learned to trust the Lord despite the circumstances we were facing. A year and a half into our ministry, we had to rethink where we are in God’s plan and the Lord confirmed through the prophetic word we are just where He wants us to be. Praise the Lord! We full-heartedly continue following the Lord wherever He is leading us. Now we can say the same thing as the Apostle Paul wrote '...I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me' (Philippians 4:12- 13). Through the Lord’s grace, we were able to put on many outreach events, and worship and charitable concerts in the town of Kobarid. In these past years, we have sowed the seeds of the Gospel to hundreds of peoples’ hearts. We are praying and looking forward for the harvest to come in its time. Please, join us in our prayers!"

First Culture Workers in Slovenia
País de origem

With ECM since 2014