Philippe & Joanne Mayhew
Their Good News Club turned gradually into a local church!

Philippe is French and Joanne originally from Northern Ireland, although she spent most of her life in Switzerland. After Bible school, they worked for 20 years with Child Evangelism Fellowship in several European countries. In 2008, they moved back to France and settled in Donnemarie-Dontilly (1 hour 30 minutes from Paris) in an area with no evangelical witness.
Philippe served as CEF France national director for a few years, but he, Joanne and their three children had great opportunities sharing the Gospel in their small town. Their Good News Club turned gradually into a local church! Philippe and Joanne became church planters en 2015 and they invested several years in building the Baptist church of Donnemarie-Dontilly. In 2021, Philippe passed on his role to a new pastor, in order to launch a new project in the nearby town of Provins. He also took new responsibilities in the French Baptist Union as Church Plant Coordinator, and he evaluates and trains new church planters with Acts29.
Joanne teaches English classes in order to make new contacts, she translates Christian literature and she leads children and teen ministry in the church. Their three children: Laura is now married to Dylan, Jeremy to Mary and they have a child called Thomas, and Adrien is in Bible school.