Colin & Alison Holmes
We wish to see believers living in a way that persuades those who think religion does more harm than good that the gospel really is good news. We also want to see many people receiving the welcome Jesus has extended in the gospel, as it is warmly expressed by local churches.

Colin and Alison Holmes are Church Planters in Ferrybank, Waterford, Republic of Ireland.
Colin and Ally are originally from Co. Antrim and Co. Down (Northern Ireland), but have made their home in Ferrybank, Waterford since 2010 and have three children all born there.
Our passion is to share not only the gospel with others but our lives as well (1 Thessalonians 2.8), so we seek in our ordinary, everyday lives to come alongside others and share Jesus with them.
Ally loves walking alongside other Mums and friends and supporting and caring for others in church and beyond. She also enjoys finding creative ways to teach kids the way of Jesus.
Colin loves preaching God's word and leading the church family to be a team on mission with Jesus in our community. He also leads the ECM team in Ireland- empowering and encouraging those engaged in church planting.