Kingdom-extender and Disciple-maker in the Valencian Community

Longo prazo
Castellón province, eastern Spain

2-5 years, 5 years or more

The area of Castellón, situated on the east coast of Spain, has attracted many foreign labourers, especially workers from South America and Romania. Whilst there is a scattering of evangelical churches in the region, there is still plenty to do in order to share the gospel with people outside the larger towns (and even within them). ECM workers belong to “Bona Nova - Castellón”, a new initiative from various churches in Castellón to reach these villages together.  Perhaps the biggest challenge is reaching the younger generations living here. These generations are more post-modern in their thinking and less attached to their Catholic heritage.  

We are looking for pioneering people who are highly relational and have skills in building friendships, evangelism and discipleship. Team members would work with the existing Spanish evangelical churches, although possibly in new ways.

Your mission work could be combined with paid employment outside of ECM if you're able to find a job independently (bi-vocational work). 

Qualities and Experience: You have the abilities to work as a pioneer. You have completed a suitable theological education and can work in trans-cultural teams. You have a multicultural and open mindset, which enables you to relate with a great variety of people. You have the patience and gifting to involve others in your work. You speak Spanish or are willing to learn the language. You are an active member of your church and have experience in discipling people.

Se você deseja receber mais informações sobre esta opção de ministerio, por favor preencha o formulário de contato abaixo.
Antes de preencher o formulário, observe o seguinte:

Note que as oportunidades oferecidas pela ECM não são empregos remunerados, salvo haja uma indicação para tal.
Os candidatos aprovados deverão levantar seu sustento pessoal suficiente para cobrir despesas com seu ministério, custos de vida e outros (por exemplo, seguros, pensões).

Observe que o ECM só pode processar solicitações de indivíduos em países que possuem um escritório ou parceiro local.
Para obter uma lista desses locais, clique aquiA ECM não possui escritórios na África ou na Ásia.

Sr., Srta., Sra., Dr., Etc
Conte-nos sobre sua relevante experiência de trabalho
Conte-nos em breves palavras sobre a sua formação educacional.
Liste sua eperiências com as respectivas datas, se possível.
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