Tjerk & Anneke van Dijk

Lydia, Eva, David

Many people we know have lost sight of the Shepherd. Yet they are still looking for something deeper. They are thirsty for Jesus.

Tjerk and Anneke van Dijk began their work as church planters in Maastricht in 2007. From the local Presbyterian church they were sent to build a missional community on the housing estate 'Wittevrouwenveld'. In 2010 they moved to the housing estate of 'Blauwdorp' to reach out to their neighbours and to start a second missional community.

Besides church planting, Tjerk provides training and coaching to people that want to share the gospel in their ordinary life through a missional community, and Anneke works as a researcher at the Maastricht University.

Through coaching and working together with ECM worker Roland Smith, Tjerk and Anneke became involved with ECM. In 2010 they joined the ECM group of missionaries.

National Workers in the Netherlands
País de origem

With ECM since 2010